Bacteria and their positive influence on the human body

Category Archives: General

Bacteria Strengthen Our Immune System Body, General, Well-being

Gesunde Bakterien Immunsystem

When, from November to February, people sniffle, cough, and complain about influenzal infections or the common cold, we are repeatedly reminded to boost our immune system. A strong immune system helps our body to defeat diseases and infections. A crucial factor for our immune system is amongst others a well-performing and well-balanced gut flora (gut

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Using Healthy Bacteria to Prevent Diabetes Body, Digestion, General


The adult gut contains some 1.5 kilogrammes of bacteria. While a small percentage of these are considered to be potentially harmful, they are outweighed by a large number of “good bacteria”. Should this healthy balance in the gut flora or gut microbiota become destabilised, many processes in the body are similarly disrupted, with research showing

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The Link Between Gut Bacteria and Autism Body, Digestion, General


Similar to other disorders, prevalence of autism is increasing, but its causes have yet to be fully understood. According to the United Nations, about one percent of the global population suffer from autism spectrum disorders – in all some 70 million people. Recent studies suggest that bacteria play an important role in causing or preventing

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