Bacteria and their positive influence on the human body

Category Archives: General

A Map of Healthy Skin Bacteria General, Skin

Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye and yet millions of them live on our skin. They accompany us throughout our lives and take care of our skin’s health. We have emphasised this, again and again, here on Healthy-Bacteria. We have now published a map of sorts showing skin bacteria which can be accessed here.

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Body-Odour Gone – Thanks to Bacteria General, Skin

How to fight body-odour? – This question is on a lot of people’s minds, again and again. An entire multi-billion industry and thousands of jobs depend on promising people effective remedies against sweat and body-odour. Sweat stains and smells are generally considered to be disagreeable. Hence the sensation caused by the recent headlines about a

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Immune System Benefits from Bacteria on Our Skin General, Skin

As we have repeatedly emphasised on these pages, bacteria are important for our skin’s natural protection. Excessive or incorrect skin care may damage this natural barrier. The result: Our skin becomes vulnerable to infections, even though or rather precisely because it is kept “clinically” clean. A team of scientists at the National Institute of Allergy

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Hand-Wash Your Dishes and Avoid Allergies Body, General

Excessive personal hygiene has a detrimental effect on the natural diversity of bacteria on our skin and makes us more susceptible to diseases and allergies. A new study has demonstrated that loading your dishes into the dishwasher, rather than doing them by hand, may also increase the risk of allergies. Since hand-washing dishes is less

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On Duty: Biological Blue Berets for Skin and Body General, Skin

Many bacteria have a special protective function for our health. It’s as if they played the role of biological peacekeeping forces in the constant battle between pathogens and the body’s defences. They provide for a balance of power, an equilibrium between harmful and healthy bacteria. What is the actual impact of these “blue beret bacteria”?

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Bacteria May Reduce MRSA Pathogens Body, General

Another example for the use of benign bacteria to combat infections: according to a report by US scientists, some bacteria may disrupt the growth of Staphylococcus aureus – a prevalent and in some cases dangerous pathogen – and in this way help prevent multi-resistant pathogens from spreading.   Many – and by all means also

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Using Bacteria to Fight Cancer Body, General

German researchers were able to identify a natural enemy of cancer cells – and it’s bacteria! According to latest findings presented in the International Journal of Cancer, bacteria trigger infections in solid tumours which in turn activate immune cells. This process disrupts the tumour’s blood vessels causing parts of it to die off. The scientists

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How Western Lifestyles Influence Our Gut Flora Body, Digestion, General

In Western industrial nations, people’s lifestyles – in particular their diets – have a detrimental impact on bacterial diversity in their gut, and hence our health. Writers in several newspapers and news agencies have emphasised these findings this month, referring to the results of research conducted by scientists in several countries. Compared to indigenous people

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