Bacteria and their positive influence on the human body

Healthy Bacteria

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Bacteria on the Skin: Good for Wound Healing Skin

It is not only in the time of Covid-19 that we’re supposed to wash our hands frequently in order to remove viruses, bacteria, and pathogens. This, we’re told, plays a crucial role in preventing wound infection and promoting wound healing. Last summer, the University of Tübingen published a study which, while not negating the preceding

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Bacterial Chewing Gum to Combat Periodontal and Gum Bleeding Well-being

Bakterien innerhalb des Mundes

Helicobacter pylori, the stomach germ covered in a number of articles published on, may also cause periodontal disease and gingivitis (gum inflammation). Ten years ago, dental specialists already suspected as much and collected evidence in support. Their findings included the fact many people who suffer from stomach diseases such as gastritis (an inflammation of

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Healthy Bacteria for Mouth, Throat, and Pharynx Body

Hals, Rachen, Bakterien

By nature, more than 700 different kinds of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi colonize our mouth, throat and pharynx. Most of these are not pathogenic, i.e. not infectious agents. Quite the contrary: Many of these bacteria offer protection from dangerous pathogens such as Streptococcus pyogenes, thought to be the most common cause of throat inflammation (“strep

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Using Bacteria to Prevent Colds Well-being

As autumn brings cold and damp weather, the flu season is imminent – in addition to the ongoing corona pandemic – and people increasingly inquire about natural ways to prevent colds and infections. Unfortunately and misleadingly, there is still talk of defending yourself against viruses and bacteria. But what many writers forget is that only

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Letting Dry Skin Recover After the Summer Skin

trockene Haut

Once summer is over, it is important to take care of your – often dry – skin and get it fit for the fall. What many of us enjoy doing during the summer stresses for our skin: sun, UV-rays, and heat, with wind and salty air to boot during seaside holidays. Excessive tanning may dehydrate

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Vegetables in Skincare – Remedy for a Healthy Skin? Digestion, General, Skin

So far, we’ve already highlighted the health advantages of fermented vegetables several times on this website: Foods such as sauerkraut are rich in lactic acid bacteria which keep the gut flora healthy, strengthening our immune system. In much the same vein, professional publications emphasise the positive role played by lactic acid bacteria for a healthy

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How the Gut Microbiome Reveals Someone’s Age Well-being

Personen sitzen gemütlich zusammen.

The microbiome in our gut plays a key role in our wellbeing. Our general health status, digestive troubles, skin conditions, evidence of autism, diabetes, and age-related diseases – all of this may be connected to the bacterial diversity in our gut (gut flora). In several international research projects, scientists also looked into the issue of how

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