Bacteria and their positive influence on the human body

Category Archives: Blogging

A Healthy Gut Flora Evolves in Early Childhood Body, Digestion

The makeup of the microbiome or flora in the gut is crucial for our overall physical health. Several studies have demonstrated links between bacterial diversity in the gut and, e.g., metabolic or inflammatory skin diseases. Hence, in order to improve physical well-being, scientists and medical practitioners have repeatedly made efforts to accomplish lasting changes to

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New Findings in Atopic Eczema Skin


Our skin is colonised by vast numbers of bacteria, a normal condition even in the case of atopic eczema and other skin disorders. It is the makeup of this bacterial diversity that determines the health of our skin. The balance between healthy and less healthy bacteria also influences the skin barrier, i.e. the area that

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Remedy Against Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Well-being

Antibiotika-resistente Bakterien

The rising number of antibiotic resistance cases around the world is a serious threat. More and more often, bacterial infections which once could have been easily treated or occasionally even be considered harmless turn fatal if the respective pathogen stops responding to treatment with any of the available antibiotics. The work of researchers at Heidelberg

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How a Healthy Gut Boosts Your Beauty Blogging, Body

gesunder Darm

We all know that worries and stress can upset your stomach and gut. And in recent years, scientists have similarly demonstrated the reverse, i.e. that diets and intestinal health influence our psyche. However, people often forget the impact the gut has also, and above all, on our skin. The gut is an alimentary organ, plying

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What Can You Do About Dry Skin? Blogging, Skin

trockene Haut

“Dry skin” and “itching” are among the most used search terms on the internet. What to do about dry skin? How can you relieve itching? Or even better: How can we avoid suffering from any of the two? Those who suffer from dry skin and itching may soon become sensitive in other ways. Constant itchiness

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Beautiful Summer Skin General, Well-being


As soon as spring is in the air, many home making, women’s and beauty magazines overwhelm readers with advice on getting your skin bikini-ready for summer. You’re supposed to give your skin “a fresh, youthful” and “well cared-for, attractive” appearance, preserve its youthfulness and avoid premature ageing. Facial tonic should be used to remove blemishes,

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A Solution to Many Skin Issues Body

probiotische Gesichtspflege

Could probiotic face care be the solution to all skin issues? The question was raised by the writer Eva Jost in a contribution to the website of InStyle, a beauty and fashion magazine. From pimples to redness, sensitive or dry skin – in many cases, the author says, probiotic face care promises a change for

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Psoriasis Treatment with Bacteria General, Skin

Schuppenflechte Psoriasis

Doctors and patients continue their search for an effective psoriasis treatment. As this condition is characterised primarily by abnormal skin, and hence noticed by others, those affected not only suffer from the immediate symptoms such as itching and inflammation, but also psychological consequences. Psoriasis is considered an autoimmune disease – possibly a hereditary form of

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